Real indies write in Moleskines. In pencil (that's more indie you see...)
If they have a Macbook they carry it in their vintage-chic bohemian bag or a cotton bookbag branded with some obscure intellectual/ironic quote "WE did not. right HERE"
The true indie doesn't even listen to indie music. Now that it has legitimigised itself as its own autonomous genre the indie is forever seeking out a more underground and unconventional music style to fulfil their audial requirements. They need not even like the music, the more disliked it is- the better. Vampire Weekend does not count.
Indies proclaim a love of Gonzo journalism, not entirely sure of exactly what it is, when questioned about it they say "well it's all aesthetics isn't it" (uh huh... yes I'm sure it is...). They usually have a limited understanding of the current state of politics as they generally are living circa 1970's-1990's in some vicarious form- through philosophy, dress or obsession with the intellectual discourse of the time. Also, if you haven't figured this out by now- all indies are smart. Yes. Genius even.
Some indies like to pretend that they are dressed in op-shop clothes. This is usually a lie and their outfit is usually a very stylised concoction of zambesi pieces and vintage designer labels. Other indies would have you believe that they do not own mirrors. This too, is a lie. They like to look like bag ladies.
Indies also never eat. This applies to both males and females. FAT IS NOT OKAY PEOPLE
Wish you were indie?
love cc